How to prepare avtokondicioner for the winter?
02.03.2022 Автомобильные

The summer is long gone. Even if you have prepared the car for the winter, there is one small detail, which somehow forget many motorists. It’s not the battery and not even the beauty, and automotive air conditioning.

So what should you do first?

• Full charging automotive air conditioning. After the summer don’t forget to refuel air conditioning refrigerant.

• Periodic inclusions. At least once a month, include it to work (no more than 5 minutes). Only it is desirable to do this in the cold, and in a warmer place.

• Replacement of the cabin filter. It is advisable to change it 2 times a year. In the summer he experienced an increased load, and must therefore be replaced, not to become a constant source of accumulating bacteria.

• Cleaning of the evaporator. The evaporator requires periodic cleaning. Dirt, dust and moisture that can accumulate on it, can cause pathogenic fungi. Heat conditioning. It constantly accumulates dirt, so do not be lazy from time to time properly be washed together with the whole underhood space. Ask a question
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